HIIT (High-intensity interval training)

Intensity is key—which means you have to work.
Get into the best and fastest HIIT workouts to build your muscle and slash fat


Why HIIT workout is so famous- it has a proper reason and science proves that, this works. It is a session designed as short bursts of extremely hard work. The main motive behind this high-intensity interval training is to kick up the intensity of your workout. To qualify as perfect HIIT, you have to push yourself to the maximum level during each and every set.

1. Fat Loss

As per different studies, it is found that both traditional moderate-intensity workouts and HIIT workouts can reduce waist and weight circumference.

2. Metabolic rate becomes higher

Some analysts have noted that HIIT training boosts metabolism for hours after a workout even more than weight training and jogging. This is called as post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), a noticeably enhanced rate of oxygen intake after the HIIT cardio.

3. Overall Health

HIIT exercises are not only a tool to lean out, but also an improved health booster. HIIT also reduces levels of blood sugar, heart rate, and blood pressure in obese and overweight people.

HIIT is so popular

Several studies demonstrated that working your hardest is the main key when it comes to build up your endurance, enhance metabolism, regulating insulin levels, and body fat loss. All workouts help to burn fat, but more intense exercise like HIIT burns fat faster, which is a part of the popularity of the HIIT program.

It’s Efficient

For a busy schedule, HIIT is an ideal one. As per studies, only two weeks of high-intensity interval training improves the aerobic capability of yours as much as 6-8 weeks of endurance training.

It’s Challenging

It is not an easy task to do as you have to be working really hard the whole time. But it is true that HIIT training workouts may have sucked you, but definitely not bored you.