Functional Training

Maintain or improve your quality of life through functional fitness.

Functional fitness training concentrates on ‘purpose’ through different movement patterns. The purpose of these workouts depends on your fitness level, age, health condition, and your goals- that’s why an exercise should be sport specific to improve the performance and to enhance your daily life moments.   We can say that functional fitness workouts help to improve the quality of your life. 

Injury Prevention

Functional fitness training improves the stability and strength of your various movements. This helps your joints more protected and muscles better resistant to normal injuries. 

Better mobility

Fitness training ensures that your body joints are moving perfectly and you are building your core strength. This type of workout is the key to maintain accurate joint functionalities. 

Engage multiple muscle groups in a single movement.

Real World Strength

Functional fitness training in our Infiniti Fitness will enhance your capability to perform your everyday tasks. This type of workout transfers very well in your life. Also, it advances your performance across different physical activities that you enjoy doing like climbing, hiking, riding, playing football, cricket, etc.   

Based on movements, not muscles

Nowadays, fitness culture has been massively inclined towards bodybuilding. So, many people concentrate on doing their training with machines. The issue with machine training is that they are designed to focus on a particular area of your body.  But functional training delivers complete body movements so that the whole body can function in a better way.


It helps you to be stronger relative to the weight of your body

Body loaded and free weight workouts concentrate to boost stability, coordination, and strength relative to the body weight. This really improves the athleticism and functionality of the body.   

Trains the core for its purpose

The main objective of the core strength is to resist motion. Functional fitness workouts keep your spine stable as well as let your transfer force efficient through your legs and arms.