
Amazing Things Come To Those Who SWEAT!

CARDIO- The Closest Thing To A Miracle Drug

The workout that gets your sweat flowing immensely and heart-pumping profusely – known as aerobic exercise or “cardio”. It is a natural way to improve your memory, lift your mood, and guard your brain.


Tones your muscles

From many pieces of research, it is found that on average, those who did moderate to intense cardio exercises at the gym for 45 minutes; 4 days a week, realized a 5%-6% increase in the size of leg muscle. Cardio, if done in a proper way can help to grow as much muscle as you would expect from a resistance workout.


Improve heart and lung health

Cardio gym trains your whole body to utilize oxygen more effectively. It is a practice that decreases your inactive heart rate as well as your breathing rate gradually, which are the two most vital indicators of your cardiovascular health. It also helps to leverage your cholesterol level, blood pressure, and other heart health metrics.

Cardio has never been so exciting!

Expect to challenge yourself and achieve your goal, push harder, and become stronger with each and every class. Give your hundred percent, track and record your improvement. Cardio body fitness is a great way to enhance your metabolism and also maintain muscle power. Get the most out of this cardio fitness training. With diverse workout strategies, you will challenge yourself with kettlebells, dumbbells, medicine balls along with bodyweight drills, running, and jumping. Because of the high metabolic demand, Infiniti Fitness follows EPOC (Excess Post- Exercise Oxygen Consumption), which helps to burn maximum calories at rest. 

Push your power, cardiovascular endurance, and total conditioning to a new level with us. You will be sweating like crazy in this cardio workout, but the advantages of the after-burn will carry you throughout the day. Get in and get it done.

Positive impact on gut

Cardio workout changes the form of the microbes present in our gut. It plays an important role in inflammation levels which can be an early symptom of infection. The study shows that people who do cardio and abs workout at the gym had improved butyrate concentration, which is a fatty acid that helps to keep our guts happy.  


Improve cholesterol levels

Cardio exercise helps to reduce LDL, which is considered as bad cholesterol as it builds upon the arteries walls and boosts heart disease risk. And it is tied with increasing HDL, known as good cholesterol as it mobilizes the cholesterol present in the blood. At the starting phase, while doing cardio for weight loss at the gym, moderate-intensity cardio is recommended for those who are new to this workout.


Prevent and manage diabetes

Several studies noted that cardio fitness training helps people to prevent Type-2 diabetes and manages its signs by improving the way the body utilizes blood sugar. A single session of a good cardio workout at the gym enhances insulin action as well as glucose tolerance for more than 1 day; 7 days of it can increase insulin sensitivity of the complete body.